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Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology Research

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Department of Pharmacology, Stanford University, USA
*Correspondence: Jonathan, Department of Pharmacology, Stanford University, USA,

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Conference Series LLC LTD is organizing “International Conference on Analytical Toxicology and Public Health Conference” which is going to be held in the month of May 09-10, 2021 Auckland, New Zealand. The Theme of the conference is “Multidisciplinary Approaches Towards Toxicology”. The conference offers Prestigious Award for Young Research’s at Environment Congress 2021-Gathering the new advances in Public Health and Environmental Toxicology.

Analytical Toxicology Congress 2021 invites research scholars and young scientists, to submit the nominations for Young Scientist Awards: Analytical Toxicology Congress 2021. This Analytical Toxicology Congress 2021 Young Scientist Awards will be announced at the upcoming “International Conference on Analytical Toxicology” at Auckland, New Zealand on May 09-10, 2021.

This Analytical Toxicology Congress 2021 is an initiative of Conference Series to recognize and provide incentives to the Young Researchers who has shown great potential at their respective field of research. We at Conference Series always encourage the young budding minds to start their career in the field of research and innovations. The core of our Young Research Forum-Young Scientist Awards is to motivate the scholars to present their research ideas in front of the global experts and enhance their knowledge at our international platform. We provide the best networking experience to the participant for their overall professional growth and to promote the collaborative research.

Analytical Toxicology Congress 2021 Conference will be an investigation of new research Innovation in the field of Environmental Toxicology & Public health and spread the most recent advancements in clinical and analytical toxicology. Discussion on new technology advancement in the field of Analytical Toxicology, current practices in Environmental Risk & Assessment Management, Health Care Management, Industrial Health and Toxicology for the primary care Public Health and Community Healthcare, Climate change & Health, Human Impact On the Environment , Global Warming and more. Detecting Regulatory Toxicology, Industrial Health and Toxicology involves a team of healthcare professionals, of which the Environmental Toxicology is a key player. The market is mainly driven by the increasing research funding for Environmental Toxicology & Analytical Toxicology from governments and private investors, growing demand for personalized medicine in the U.S. and Europe, and the increasing need for toxicology testing.

Encounter the target market with members from across the globe, committed to learn about novel technologies and innovations in Climate Change. This is the best opportunity to outreach the largest gathering of participants from around the world. Conduct presentations distribute and update knowledge about the advancements in Public Health, Toxicology, and Industrial Health and in different fields of cardiology by receiving name recognition at this 2- days event. World-eminent speakers, most recent researches, latest treatment techniques and the advanced updates in Environmental Toxicology are the principal features of this conference.

Eligibility Criteria for Young Scientist Awards

The Analytical toxicology Congress 2021-Young Scientist Awards is for all young Researchers, Research Scholars (Preferably PhD, Post Doc, and Postgraduates & Graduates) who has involved themselves into the R&D sector. The candidates should have minimum 3+ years of research experience and published minimum 3 research articles in international journals. Part time researchers can be considered subject to recommended by the research guide or any director level designated person from the organization.

Judging Criteria

Nominated candidates need to present their research or talk for 25-30 minutes in front of the panel members. Subject should be under the scope of the conference. Selection will be on the basis of individual accomplishments, quality & standards of research, noble thought, research methodology, innovative ideas, style of presentation, significance of the contribution to the field, originality, clarity, and future extended scope of the research and probability of bringing the research in terms of products/services into public domain.


We invite online applications from desired candidates, self-nomination or nominated by organizations (both private & public sectors)/research guides. The student must be the first author and the student’s advisor should attach a statement that their contribution is primarily advisory.


This award will be presented at Auckland, New Zealand during Analytical Toxicology Congress 2021 conference.

About Hosting Organization: Conference Series

Conference Series LLC LTD is the world’s leading specialist in organizing Academic, Scientific and Business conferences, meetings, symposiums and exhibitions in different verticals and horizontals like Medical, Pharma, Engineering, Science, Technology and Business to promote scientific research. Every year we host more than 3000+ global events inclusive of 1000+ Conferences 1000+ Symposiums 1000+ Workshops in USA, Europe, Middle East and Asia with the generous support and cooperation from our 30000+ Editorial Board Members, 1000+ Scientific Societies. All the conference proceedings are published in the special issues of our 700+ Open Access International Journals with the DOI provided by CROSSREF.

Contact Name

Analytical Toxicology Congress 2021
Email: jonathan_toxi@atc.nl

  • Young Researchers Forum -Young Scientist Awards Congress 2021
Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 40

Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology Research received 40 citations as per Google Scholar report
