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Green Technology and Digitization of Alternative Medicine for Healthcare Robotic Surgery
Ezendu Ariwa
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Which procedure should we prefer robotic surgical system to laparoscopy?
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Energy devices in Robotic Surgery
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Dynamic hip screw plate system: clinical follow-up to provide safety, performance and clinical benefits data.
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Recent Updates in Antimicrobial Guidance for Hand Injuries. An Audit Closed Cycle
AM Mostafa
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Physics of Open Fractures: Reconsidering Tissue Viability, Contamination Risk and Importance of Wound Debridement
Alsayed, Ahmed
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Optimizing use of Pyrediyne quantum dots as biosensors for SARS-CoV-2 detection.
Shagun Sharma
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How Robotic Technology is Changing Healthcare
Raphael Louis
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A Cannabis Compass for the Cancer Journey
Penny Daugherty
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Impact of gum muscles training and effect of periodontal thickness in oral cavity
Nima sabzchamanara