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Journal of Cancer & Metastasis Research

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A Cost-Effective Solution for HIPEC Machines

Author(s): Akshaya Anand

A retrospective survey shows that approximately 8.6% of all cancers that occur in India was mainly abdominal and stomach cancer. The statistics show that a person who has undergone HIPEC (Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy) treatment will be able to survive for nearly 3.5 years. Generally, the cost for designing a HIPEC Machine is too high (above 75lakhs) and the treatment is also not affordable. So, our aim is to design a HIPEC Machine at low cost, compact size and safely, which could reach all the people across the nation. Before the patients receive HIPEC treatment, the oncologists perform Cytoreductive surgery to remove the visible tumors in the abdomen. Once all the visible tumors are removed, the patient undergoes a HIPEC treatment. This machine could remove all the microscopic tumors that human eyes fail to identify. Also, certain modifications has been made to this present HIPEC Machine design to create a new cost effective automated chemotherapy machine.

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