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Biomedical Engineering: Current Research

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A first note on neutrosophic octahedron sets

Author(s): Muhammad Gulistan

Smarandache extended the concept of Atanassov and gave the idea of neutrosophic sets. He proposed the term "neutrosophic" because "neutrosophic" etymologically comes from "neutrosophy" [French neutre < Latin neuter, neutral, and Greek sophia, skill/wisdom] which means knowledge of neutral thought, and this third/neutral represents the main distinction between "fuzzy" and "intuitionistic fuzzy" logic/set, i.e. the included middle component (Lupasco-Nicolescu's logic in philosophy), i.e. the neutral/indeterminate/unknown part (besides the "truth"/"membership" and "falsehood"/"non-membership" components that both appear in fuzzy logic/set). See the Proceedings of the First International Conference on Neutrosophic Logic, The University of New Mexico, Gallup Campus, 1-3 December 2001. Neutrosophic Set (NS) is an extension of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set (IFS) no matter if the sum of single-valued neutrosophic components is <1, or >1, or =1. For the case when the sum of components is 1 (as in IFS), after applying the neutrosophic aggregation operators one gets a different result from that of applying the intuitionistic fuzzy operators, since the intuitionistic fuzzy operators ignore the indeterminacy, while the neutrosophic aggregation operators take into consideration the indeterminacy at the same level as truth-membership and falsehood-nonmembership are taken. NS is also more flexible and effective because it handles, besides independent components, also partially independent and partially dependent components, while IFS cannot deal with these. Since there are many types of indeterminacies in our world, we can construct different approaches to various neutrosophic concepts. So, in this paper we will introduce a new concept of Neutrosophic Octahedron Sets, which is the hybrid of an extension of octahedron sets. We will discuss some new results related with Neutrosophic Octahedron Sets. We will also discuss their applications in algebra, graphs theory and decision-making problems.
