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Pulsus Journal of Surgical Research

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A global survey on thromboprophylaxis use in urological surgery

Author(s): Ainy John*

Perioperative thromboprophylaxis is frequently used but not consistently in urological surgery. To describe the variations in thromboprophylaxis utilization during urological surgery throughout international practice. Participants, setting, and design In order to better understand how urologists in Canada, Finland, and Japan use mechanical and pharmaceutical thromboprophylaxis during urological cancer surgeries (radical cystectomy, radical prostatectomy, and radical nephrectomy), we conducted a scenario-based survey. The poll included patient profiles that represented a range of venous thromboembolism risk, and the respondents discussed their clinical workflow. Measurements of results and statistical analysis Procedure-specific stratification was done for the percentage of respondents who regularly used mechanical, pharmaceutical, and extended pharmaceutical prophylaxis. Characteristics connected to the usage of thromboprophylaxis were found by logistic regression.

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Citations : 45

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