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Clinical Nephrology and Research

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A New Perspective On Urinary Proteomics And Drug Discovery In Chronic Kidney Disease

Author(s): Maria Rodriguez*

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is becoming a major public health issue around the world. The discovery of a specific collection of early biomarkers for CKD is critical for furthering disease understanding, enhancing diagnosis, treatment, or development, and monitoring drug efficacy. Because kidney fibrosis is a common pathophysiological pathway to end-stage renal failure, regardless of the initial renal insult, these biomarkers are considered early tubulo-interstitial fibrosis biomarkers. The availability of a specialised collection of biomarkers for CKD is a requirement for developing and validating new devoted medications in clinics without having to wait years for a functional response in patients.

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Citations : 35

Clinical Nephrology and Research received 35 citations as per Google Scholar report
