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International Journal of Anatomical Variations

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A variant digastric muscle

Author(s): Zora Singh*, Gagandeep Kaur and Amarjit Kaur

Presence of variant digastric muscle is not uncommon. Knowledge of such variations is important for the anatomists and clinicians particularly the surgeons who use the anterior belly of digastric muscle as a landmark in certain surgical procedures. We report a variant digastric muscle found in the suprahyoid region in an adult male cadaver dissected for undergraduate dental students. The anterior belly of the digastric muscle on the right side was absent and a bilateral symmetrical accessory anterior digastric muscle (AcADM) was present. The AcADM was seen to be superficial to the mylohyoid muscle on the right side and superficial to the anterior belly of the digastric muscle on the left side. This AcADM was innervated on its deeper aspect by nerve fibers coming from the nerve to the mylohyoid. The posterior bellies of the digastric muscle were in usual anatomical locations.

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Citations : 2717

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