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Pulsus Journal of Surgical Research

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A vestibular technique during trans-oral endoscopic endocrine surgery

Author(s): S. Mani*

The first five thyroid and parathyroid operations done using the Trans oral endoscopic vestibular technique. Retrospective data gathering for all endocrine procedures using the trans-oral endoscopic vestibular method We gathered and examined data on patient demographics, perioperative care, and complications. Using the trans-oral endoscopic vestibular technique, the desired specimen was successfully removed; conversion to the
conventional trans-cervical method was not necessary. The length of the hospital stay as well as the average operating time for the Para thyroidectomy instance were both very brief. One patient received a temporary mental nerve impairment, and another had a postoperative seroma that needed to be aspirated. In one instance, papillary thyroid cancer was found on histology, necessitating a full thyroidectomy.

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Citations : 45

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