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First and foremost, we would want to express our heartfelt appreciation to the editors of this open access Journal. The Journal of Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment collaborates with over 20 prominent Editors and publishes high-quality articles in the field of Diagnosis and Treatment. We use an Editorial Tracking System ETS, which is an online manuscript submission, review, and tracking system, to ensure quality in the peer review process. Review processing is carried out by members of the Journal’s editorial board or by outside specialists; acceptance of any citable submission requires the permission of at least two independent reviewers, followed by editor approval. Authors can submit manuscripts and follow their progress via the system, which will hopefully lead to publication. As you are all aware, Editorial Board Members are very important in encouraging the Editors’ desire to keep up exclusive expectations of insightful greatness in the work we distribute. We are extremely grateful for the priceless work of our board individuals in contributing both to our thorough companion audit framework and to the crucial advancement of the Journal