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Surgery: Case Report

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Actinomycosis of abdominal wall

Author(s): Loudjedi S*, Bereksi A, Fandi B, Bouazza D and Kherbouche M

Actinomycosis is a subacute pseudo-tumor suppurative disease due to Infection with an anaerobic Gram-positive bacillus, Actinomyces, the mostly saprophytic germ of ORL area and the digestive tract. Traditional abdominopelvic disorders are contiguity after a colic or rectal infection (sigmoiditis, appendicitis, for example). Actinomycosis makes a diagnostic problem in that it is present in the majority of cases in the form of an abdominal or pelvic tumor. Morphological examinations such as the scanner and bacteriological samples that facilitate the detection of the disease. In some cases surgical exploration is necessary and it is the biopsy and the examination Anatomopathology extemporaneous confirming the diagnosis. The authors report an exceptional observation to illustrate the polymorphous presentation and the difficulty of management of this disease.

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Citations : 80

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