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International Journal of HIV and AIDS Research

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Advances in HIV\AIDS research

Author(s): Rick Harrison*

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is one of the most studied viruses in history, and investments in HIV/AIDS research have resulted in some astonishing scientific discoveries, including a better knowledge of viral biology, pathogenesis, and life-saving antiretroviral medicines. While the enormous investments in HIV/AIDS research are justified merely on the basis of these accomplishments, the broader scientific advancement that has resulted from HIV/AIDS research financing over the last 30 years is also remarkable. The positive influence has spanned basic immunology and structural biology to treatments for immune-mediated disorders and cancer, and it has had a far-reaching impact on the scientific, public, and global health communities far beyond HIV/AIDS. This article outlines a few examples of HIV/AIDS research's unanticipated and significant positive spinoffs on other scientific fields.

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Citations : 4

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