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Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Reports

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Agent-based Models for Influenza Epidemic Dynamics and its decision making capability

Author(s): Valeriy Perminov

Specialists based models (ABM) become increasingly more main stream in applied arithmetic. During most recent 15 years countless ABM have been made and utilized in various logical region (environment, economy, the study of disease transmission, human conduct to give some examples), however in this paper, just ABM for flu plague/ pandemic elements in urban communities are considered in detail. In light of a basic audit of as of now acknowledged ABM of such unique sort new ABM has been proposed. In contrast to the old ABM, it tends to be utilized for investigation of productivity and cost all things considered. Additionally, under certain conditions, new ABM offers us a chance to break down proficiency and cost of various intercessions for future approaching pestilences (above all else pandemics) and to choose its ideal mix.

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