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Surgery: Case Report

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Amnion membrane for the management of fungal bronchial stump infection

Author(s): Jacqueline G. Witt, Alexandra M. Haugh, Michael Weaver, Michael Darden, Geoffrey Parker, Warren A. Ellsworth and Joseph F. Buell*

The significance of wound complications and infections has become critical in modern reimbursement schema. The management of surgical site infections in high risk surgeries can be challenging, particularly when they are comprised of invasive fungal species. When faced with local tissue necrosis or even surgical dehiscence, there is a myriad of traditional surgical techniques and an expansive array of biologic products that have been described in the management of this potentially devastating complication. This case describes the use of amniotic tissue in the management of a 19-year-old renal transplant recipient with a bronchial stump necrosis after a thoracic decortication and lower lobectomy for an invasive mucormycosis empyema.

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Citations : 80

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