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Surgery: Case Report

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Amyand’s hernia: “Jack in the box” - A Case report with a review of literature

Author(s): Uwais Riaz Ul-Hasan*, Khathija Hasan, Alaaedin Ramadan, Moath Abdul-Aziz Al-Masoud, Ali Hussain Al-Khars and Mohammed Ahmed Alobaid

Inguinal hernia is one of the most common performed surgery in General Surgical practices worldwide. Amyand’s hernia on the other hand is one of the rarest forms of inguinal hernia where the appendix is found as content in the hernia sac. It has a reported incidence of 1% and this condition is named after the French Surgeon Claudius Amyand (1660-1740) to King George II, who performed the first successful appendectomy in a young male with an inguinal hernia with an inflamed appendix. We report a case of a Middle aged male with right sided inguinal hernia with intermittent pain in the abdomen along with the management of the four types of Amyand’s hernia.

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Citations : 80

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