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Journal of Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry

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Antiparasitics square measure a category of medicine

Author(s): Matthew DellaVecchia

Antiparasitics square measure a category of medicines that square measure indicated for the treatment of parasitic diseases, like those caused by helminths, amoeba, ectoparasites, parasitic fungi, and protozoa, among others. Antiparasitics square measure a category of medicines that square measure indicated for the treatment of parasitic diseases, like those caused by helminths, amoeba, ectoparasites, parasitic fungi, and protozoa, among others. Antiparasitics target the parasitic agents of the infections by destroying them or inhibiting their growth; they're typically effective against a restricted variety of parasites among a selected category. Antiparasitics square measure one amongst the antimicrobial medicine that embrace antibiotics that concentrate on microorganism, and antifungals that concentrate on fungi. they will be administered orally, intravenously or locally.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 73

Journal of Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry received 73 citations as per Google Scholar report
