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Current Research: Cardiology

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Anxiety disorders and heart diseases, Stress

Author(s): Tsaloglidou Areti,Frantzana Aikaterini,Koukourikos Konstantinos,Iliadis Christos,Ouzounakis Petros,Kourkouta Lambrini

Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases are numerous diseases that affect the heart. Stress and anxiety play an important role in the development of cardiovascular disease.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to delve into the impact of anxiety disorders on the progress of heart disease.
Review Method: A bibliographic search was conducted through Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online and "Google Scholar" search engine using the keywords: anxiety disorders, anxiety, heart disease, and treatment, for the time period 2008-2020. The language except for English and Greek was the exclusion criterion for the study.
Results: Anxiety provoking situations create inflammation capable of causing heart disease of any kind since adrenaline, the hormone secreted in a moment of stress, is capable of destroying the heart. An individual's reaction to acute stress depends on the particular characteristics of his personality. The risk of stress is just as significant as hypertension, obesity and other factors regarding the development of cardiovascular diseases. Panic disorders cause heart problems and phobic disorders contribute to cardiac arrhythmias. Chronic stress also increases people’s susceptibility to heart diseases. Additionally, traumatic stress that men sometimes experience in the military can lead to heart disease. After all, personality type A, and especially hostility, is an important risk factor for developing heart disease. Moreover, the type D personality is related to heart disease. These individuals are pessimistic, anxious and isolated, avoiding social contact. It is also noted that treating anxiety disorders could reduce the risk of developing heart diseases.
Conclusions: Anxiety disorders predict a future onset of heart disease while anxious people are more at risk for developing coronary heart diseases.


Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 177

Current Research: Cardiology received 177 citations as per Google Scholar report

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Current Research: Cardiology