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Objectives: The present paper articulates scientifically originally in a previously unexplored way the perspective of eco-narrative medicine through artistically grounded verbal expressions and constructive environmental imaging in modern times.
Methods: The scope is to offer compelling insights in ecocritical arthistorical perspective at the intersection of medical and literary humanities within the domains of neuroaesthetics and psychiatry containing environmental tales on being eco-sentient as productively in tune with the web of life. In the paper are analyzed symbolic relations between one's mental life and eco-sustainability, highlighting the embeddedness of psyche in the natural world through categories of artistically motivated inner natural self and multisensory instinctual understanding.
Results: The neurological structuring of a personality is being explicated by exploring ways of appropriation of experiences by means of language through the psycho-social component, as well as sublimational reshaping of implicit memory stored unconsciously in channeling it through art production. It is explained how neural pathways can be formed by artistic activity inducing transformative thinking and psychologically positive enhancement strategies by focusing on therapeutic methods for psychophysical wellness and planetary well-being.
Conclusions: Earth's and more broadly cosmic landscape modern art is analyzed transversally together with artistic-literary writings rendered medical-related and adapted to therapeutic settings.
In the matizing potentialities of psychotherapeutic sessions involving eco-art making, and correlated reflexive writing, it is shown how the production of humanistic knowledge can benefit the medical field in the transfer to the clinical practice of restorative nature in dealing with traumatism to develop coping skills and strengthen mental resiliency.