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Applied Food Science Journal

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Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice about Balance Diet among in Noakhali Region Bangladesh

Author(s): Muhammad Helal Uddin

Adolescence is the transition period between childhood and adulthood. It is one of the fastest growth periods of a person’s life. During this stage, physical changes affect the body’s nutritional needs while changes in lifestyle may affect eating habits and food choices. A well-balanced diet provides important vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to keep the body and mind strong and healthy. It also means getting the right amount of nutrition to support growth and development. A well-balanced diet contains nutrient-rich foods from all the food groups. Many adolescents experience a growth spurt and an increase in appetite and need healthy foods to meet their growth needs. Adolescence is a significant period for physical growth and sexual maturation. Nutrition being an important determinant of physical growth of adolescents is an important area that needs attention. Adequate nutrition plays a very important role in maintaining good health. 

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 13

Applied Food Science Journal received 13 citations as per Google Scholar report
