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Journal of Modern and Applied Physics

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Beam-ball FSI benchmark

Author(s): Siddharth Jena* and Ajay Gairola

Many academics in the field of fluid dynamics are interested in fluid structure interaction since it is a multidisciplinary topic. Fluid structure interaction may be found in both natural systems and man made artifacts in many ways. Modeling the behavior of offshore platforms with the ocean, flight characteristics of aircraft, and dams with reservoirs all involve fluid structure interaction for engineered systems. Despite the fact that the nature of the solid fluid interaction in these challenges differs, they all fall under the category of fluid-structure interaction. It's also worth noting that the intensity of the interaction between the solid and the fluid changes depending on the situation. While solid deformation is an important aspect of many difficulties, there are numerous man-made situations in which the solid moves like a rigid body. This report presents the FSI (Fluid Structure Interaction) validation benchmark, using TCAE simulation software. This study is unique, because the exact solution can be evaluated analytically, and the analytical solution can be compared with the simulation results. This benchmark's specific purpose is to explore and compare the deformation of a beam with a ball at one end that is strained by airflow.

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