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International Journal of Anatomical Variations

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Bilateral additional bellies of the soleus muscle: anatomical and clinical insight

Author(s): Sarabpreet Singh, R. K. Suri, Vandana Mehta, Hitendra Loh, Jyoti Arora and Gayatri Rath

Bilateral additional musculo-tendinous bellies of soleus muscle were encountered during undergraduate gross anatomy teaching program. The additional bellies were found to arise from infero-lateral aspect of the soleus muscle. Distally, this muscle belly tapered into a long tendon measuring 4.3 cm and 4.6 cm on left and right sides, respectively. The tendons on both sides, inserted to the lateral aspect of respective tendo-Achilles. The additional musculo-tendinous bellies had no demonstrable bony attachments and no separate vascular or nerve supply. The clinical relevance of soleus muscle flap in reparative and reconstructive surgeries of distal third of leg is discussed and a possible role of this accessory belly in tendon transfer is being emphasized.

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Citations : 2717

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