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International Journal of Anatomical Variations

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Bilateral ovarian artery absence in a 95-year-old primiparous British cadaver

Author(s): Rose Lewis, Natasha Russell, Henry Bergman and Deborah merrick*

Bilateral ovarian artery absence was identified during a routine dissection of a 95-year-old British female cadaver at the University of Nottingham, UK. This is only the second reported case of bilateral ovarian artery absence in the literature. Although it appears to be a rare anatomical variation, it remains clinically important for those involved in operative, diagnostic and endovascular procedures to be vigilante of such occurrences. In this individual case, the ovaries were supplied solely by an ovarian branch of the uterine artery. Interestingly, this bilateral variation was observed in a primiparous female cadaver, showing that this anatomical variation had no impact on fertility. Both ovarian veins formed an extensive and complex network of pelvic vessels with the presence of duplicated segments.

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Citations : 2426

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