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Current Research: Cardiology

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Cardiovascular findings in Pregnancy: Common Cardiological findings during pregnancy: Greece

Author(s): Theodoros Adamis


Cardiovascular diseases arise during 0,5% to 2% of all pregnancies in the industrialized world. In Greece, this type of complication, which is sometimes lethal, affects approximately 3.000 pregnant women per year.

Methods: We performed a simple literature search for publications that appeared from 2015 to 2018 and that contained the search terms “pregnancy” and one of the following such as pulmonary hypertension, severe heart failure, previous perinatal cardiomyopathy with severe heart failure, severe mitral valve stenosis and severe accidental stenosis of the aortic valve, aneurysm stenosis and aortic stenosis.

Results: There is a rising incidence, not only of hypertension during pregnancy, but also of valvular heart disease during pregnancy. Severe valvular stenosis, particularly mitral stenosis, raises the risk of pulmonary edema and should be treated before pregnancy, by valvuloplasty or surgically. Women with high-grade valvular insufficiency and restricted left-ventricular function are at risk of heart failure. For women with mechanical heart valves, the type of anticoagulation during pregnancy must be discussed on an individual basis. Spontaneous dissection of the coronary arteries is best treated by catheter intervention with the implantation of a bare metal stent.

Conclusion: Women of child-bearing age who are at risk for, or already have, cardiovascular disease should receive early counseling and treatment, not just from their family physician, but from an interdisciplinary team composed of gynecologists, cardiologists, and, if necessary, cardiac surgeons.

Cardiovascular diseases arise during 0.5% to 3% of all pregnancies in the industrialized world. In Greece, this type of complication, which is sometimes life-threatening, affects almost 3.000 pregnant women per year. The number of fetuses and neonates harmed by complications during pregnancy, labor, and delivery has not changed significantly in the last eight years. 


Theodoros Adamis is specialized in Gynecology Oncology Hospital in Piraeus in specific area: gynecologic oncology, gynecological surgery, oncology council management protocols malignant diseases, gynecological pathology, pathology of cervix, colposcopy, gynecological endocrinology. Current position: Director, 1st obGyn Dpt, IASO Maternity & Gynecology Clinic Anthens.

23rd Edition of International Conference on Insights by Cardiologists London, UK- March 23-24, 2020

Abstract Citation:

Theodoros Adamis Director, 1st obGyn Dpt, IASO Maternity & Gynecology Clinic Anthens – A General Study, Cardiologists 2020, 23rd Edition of International Conference on Insights by Cardiologists: London, UK March 23-24, 2020 

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 177

Current Research: Cardiology received 177 citations as per Google Scholar report

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Current Research: Cardiology