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Journal of Clinical Psychiatry and Neuroscience

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Caring for caregivers: impact of covid-19 on the mental health of health care workers

Author(s): Mirabela Bodic*, Samantha Hayes, Zijie Su, Michael Silver, Teresa L Jacobs, Sunyeob Hong, Alhasan Ghazzawi, Anetta Raysin, Mikityanskiy and Abraham Taub

Introduction: Health Care Workers (HCWs) are facing unprecedented levels of COVID-19-related psychological stress. Death by suicide has been reported in frontline providers taking care of COVID-19 patients in NYC. This study looks at the impact of COVID-19 on HCWs based on levels of exposure to patient, as well as clinical and non-clinical work.

Objective: Measure the impact COVID-19 on the psychological wellbeing of HCWs.

Methods: IRB-approved, cross-sectional study was conducted via selfadministered Qualtrics survey including demographic data, validated scales for depression (PHQ-9), anxiety (GAD-7), and Post-Traumatic Stress (PC-PTSD-5). HCWs’ own suggestions were also collected.

Results: Among 1109 respondents (17% response rate, 45% clinical and 55% non-clinical), 53% had worked directly with COVID patients. 57.6% screened positive for anxiety, 63.4% for depression and 28.5% for PTSD. Scores were significantly higher in direct contact HCWs (p<0.007). 41% felt the need for Mental Health (MH) support. Perceived need for MH was the biggest predictor in screening positive for anxiety (P<0.0001), depression, and PTSD. Suggestions included more access to MH resources, PPE, time off and managerial support.

Conclusion: HCWs experienced significant psychological distress. Our study adds solid data that HCWs need additional MH support.

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Citations : 60

Journal of Clinical Psychiatry and Neuroscience received 60 citations as per Google Scholar report
