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Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology

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Cervical stimulation therapy after treatment laryngeal cancer reduce lymphedema

Author(s): Henrique Jose Pereira de Godoy*, Rodrigo Ocampos Troitino, L�­via Maria Pereira de Godoy and Thatiany Gracino de Marqui

AIM: The aim of this study is to describe the use of Godoy & Godoy Cervical Stimulation Therapy to improve the clinical signs and symptoms of lymphedema after laryngeal cancer treatment. Case report: The case of a 62-year-old patient is reported who made an ultrasound and found a nodule in the larynx and diagnosed laryngeal cancer. The patient was submitted to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. After treatment, the patient complained of neck pain, difficulty in swallowing, decreased saliva production, difficulty in sleeping and hoarseness. The patient was then referred to the Clinica Godoy for treatment of the edema where Cervical Stimulation Therapy as described by Godoy & Godoy was performed. A marked improvement was observed in the first few days with the voice and swallowing of solids returning to normal.

CONCLUSION: The Cervical Stimulation Therapy improvement of signs and symptoms of lymphedema resulting from laryngeal cancer treatment.

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Citations : 184

Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology received 184 citations as per Google Scholar report
