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Biomedical Engineering: Current Research

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Changing the world through youth bulge: the role of developing countries

Author(s): Raja Qaiser Ahmed

The exponential population growth in various states have been contextualized through youth bulge. The phenomenon of ‘youth bulge’ has created hope and despair in the contemporary development studies. It is not only linked with development but also human development with a quest of capacity building by incorporating the state and private enterprise. Though ‘youth bulge’ is a global phenomenon, it has impinging implications for developing countries. However, this phenomenon has also created potential of paving the way for developing countries to achieve the status of a developed country. Pakistan is among the developing countries with highest ratio of youth bulge. The talk will assess the consequences of a large number of unemployed youth, the bad-governance and mismanagement and its propensity becoming a national disaster. The states in developing countries are in a disarray which can be a catalyzing factor in disappointing youth leading to revolt against the state and the ruling elite in these countries especially Pakistan.
