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Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience

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Characteristics of first ever ischemic stroke in patients with early and late poststroke epilepsy

Author(s): Al-Amir Bassiouny Mohamed*

Background: Stroke and epilepsy are common neurological disorders. Poststroke epilepsy (PSE) was classified early and late if seizures occurring within or after 1 week after stroke respectively. Poststroke epilepsy, could be as a complication or presenting symptoms of stroke. Method: One hundred and twenty-two patients [66 men (54.1%) and 56 women (45.9%)] with first-ever acute ischemic stroke and developing seizures after the stroke insult were enrolled in this study. NIH Stroke Scale (NIHSS) and modified Rankin’s Scale (mRS) were used to evaluate stroke severity and functional outcome respectively. EEG and radiological data, including ASPECT score, Duplex ultrasound and echocardiography were used to assess the patient. Results: Most of the cases of stroke developed PSE after 7 days (late PSE) (76.2%) in contrast to Early PSE was found in 23.8% and about one half of the patients experienced focal seizures. There significant association between PSE and functional stroke outcome, stroke severity, presence of MCA territory infarction, cortical involvement and ASPECT score. There is no significant relationship between early and late PSE as regard smoking, hypertension, IHD, seizure semiology, etiological type stroke on of TOAST classification, presence of hemorrhagic transformation Conclusion: Early PSE is significantly associated with severe stroke measured by NIHSS score, involvement of middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory, Alberta Stroke Program Early CT (ASPECT) score and severe functional outcome measured by mRS. While late onset epilepsy associated with atrial fibrillation (AF) and cortical involvement.

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