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Climate change may refer to a change in the average weather condition or in the time variation of weather within the context of longer term average condition. Climate change is caused by factors such as biotic processes, variations in solar radiation, and other human activities that have been identified as primary causes of ongoing climate change, often referred to as global warming. There is no doubt that the impact of climate change are beginning to manifest on the entire globe and more particularly on the developing nations. Climate change and climate variability may pose serious challenge to national development. Government and other state agencies have adopted measures to minimize the impact of climate change due to its threat to global development and effort to end poverty. Without urgent action, climate impact could push an additional 100 million people into poverty by 2030. Climate change is a major issue that affect farmer???s especially rural farmers within our communities. Farmer???s already struggle to get a fair price for their goods, safe guard against weather and pest to stay in business. The impact of climate change is poised to make matters worse for young farmers. This is because there would be a low in production pattern due to higher temperature. This low production pattern as a result of climate change have negative consequences on our farmer???s income. Environmental issues is one major issues caused by climate change. The impact of climate change has led to the various erosion caused either by human activities or natural disaster. Human activities such as sand winning and illegal mining has a negative consequence on our environmental landscape such as erosion. Natural environmental issues such as volcanic reaction also has negative impact on the environment. One other issue of climate change is economic issues. The economy is likely to setback if agricultural sector that contributes tremendously to the Gross Domestic Product is affected by climate change. This is possible because when there is a change in temperature and farmers yield declined, this decline have negative impact on the performance of the economy.
Many communities will be force to move as they are exposed to rising sea levels, drought etc as a result of climate change impact. Communities are also susceptible to the health concern associated with climate change such as heat related ailment from higher temperature, malnourishment due to increase strain of food. Climate change has the effect of changing the habitat of wildlife from their natural location and more especially hunting wildlife illegally. The issue of illegal hunting of wildlife has a negative effect on the environment. This is because the setting of bush fires to trace wildfire degrade the environment which causes excessive heat temperature leading to global warming. The increasing use of traditional crude to power our thermal plants has the effects of depleting the ozone layers which give rise to global warming which eventually leads to variability in the environment. So the effects of climate change has an adverse effects on the environment, economy and the health of people. To this end, a number of measures needs to be considered to revert the adverse effects of climate change and global warming, In addition, industries and factories should also find alternative source of energy in powering their thermal. If the use of traditional crude is to be used, they should not go beyong certain level as a way of reducing the effects on climate change Moreover, thermal plants and vehicles should be manufactured to use other sources of energy rather than our traditional crude due to its effects on the environment. Also, countries can sign a memorandum of understanding on the level of crude to use within a country in a year, so that countries under the agreement would not go beyong the agreed use of crude as a convenient way of reducing the effects of climate change. If any countries go beyong the agreed use of crude, sanctions should be impose and a fine paid. In effects, these are the effects of climate change and its possible solutions to reduce the effects to ensure environmental and health sustainability.