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Anesthesiology Case Reports

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Comparison of an Archival Grass Force Transducer Mechanomyograph and a Modern Digital Mechanomyograph

Author(s): Nida Fatima*

The classic gold standard research method for quantifying neuromuscular blockage is mechanomyography. The isometric force produced by the thumb in response to ulnar nerve stimulation is directly measured by mechanomyography. Since commercially produced mechanomyographs are no longer accessible, researchers must build their own. It was assumed that the train-of-four ratios recorded on each device would be equal, therefore a mechanomyograph was built, and its performance was evaluated against an archival mechanomyography system from the 1970s that used an FT-10 Grass force transducer. 

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 12

Anesthesiology Case Reports received 12 citations as per Google Scholar report
