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Anesthesiology Case Reports

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Conference Announcement of 6th World Nursing and Nursing Care Congress

Author(s): Rabie'e Al Rashdi

With a great support from our Organizing Committee, PULSUS Conferences successfully completed the “5th World Nursing and Nursing Care Congress (Nursing Care Congress 2019)” which was held at Orlando, USA on March 11-12, 2019. The conferences were organized with a focus on the themes “Innovative Approaches in Nursing Care and Nursing Practice” was a great success where eminent keynote speakers from various reputed companies and Universities made their resplendent presence and addressed the gathering. With the enormous feedback from the participants and supporters of Nursing Care Congress 2019, Pulsus is glad to announce "6th World Nursing and Nursing Care Congress" on March 11-12, 2020 in Zurich, Switzerland.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 12

Anesthesiology Case Reports received 12 citations as per Google Scholar report
