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Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology

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Congestive Vascular Failure Treatment market

Author(s): Valerie Gorman

Congestive vascularfailure develops when ventricles unable to pump enough volume of blood to the body. Increase in the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases across regions is the major factors expected to drive the revenue growth of congestive vascularfailure treatment globally. Lifestyle-related factors are expected to add to the growing disease incidence of CVDs. In addition, the growing number of obese patients is expected to bolster the congestive heart failure treatment market. The huge treatment demand for congestive vascularfailure is expected to boost the treatment market. However, the availability of the generic drugs and lack of end-stage pipeline drugs and therapies for congestive vascularfailure treatment is about to hinder the market.
Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 184

Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology received 184 citations as per Google Scholar report
