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The cause of the hypotheses of the existence of “dark matter” and “dark energy” is a consequence of the second biggest blunder in physics of the 20th century: “the accelerating expansion of the Universe”. This is undoubtedly a big problem in physics because it is illogical for the Universe to expand, despite the existing and undeniably proven universal attraction (Newton’s law of universal gravitation). Modern physics tries to explain this delusion by the existence of an illogically high percentage of some unknown type of “dark matter” in the Universe (which, if it existed, should have been discovered by now), as well as by the inexplicable myth of “dark energy” (the nature of which is inexplicable even to modern cosmologists themselves)! The root cause of this delusion is based mainly on the unproven claim that the redshift of the spectral lines of the emitted electromagnetic radiation from remote galaxies is due to the Doppler Effect. Throughout his life, Hubble did not support Vesto Slipher’s supposition that the “redshift” is a “velocity-like displacement” (as a result of the Doppler Effect). The Doppler Effect is an effect of the mechanical waves, but not of the electromagnetic waves. The real explanation of the incorrectly called “Doppler radar” with Schrödinger’s dynamic interpretation is presented in the article. According to the assistant and successor of Hubble, Allan Sandage, Hubble believed that the redshift “represents a hitherto unrecognized principle of nature”. The main contribution of this paper is the presentation of this “unrecognized principle of nature”– that is the “energy-spatial relationship” existing in the energy-space-time continuum of the Universe, that the so-called “empty space” between the celestial bodies and between the particles of matter is actually a “soup” of energy