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Chinese one- kid strategy has been rehearsed for over 30 or more than that years. With the arrangement that one couple can have two youngsters being completely executed from January 01st, 2016 in China, the families with at least two kids are expanding, and the family size, family design and family relationship has been to a great extent different. Little is had some significant awareness of the distinction in Domestic Violence (DV) among single-and multi-youngster families in China. This study looked at the commonness, causes, designs, result of DV and the mentality towards DV among single youngster and multi-kid families in the same networks between a decade in China. Epidemiological overviews were directed among single-youngster and multi-kid families in similar networks during the time of 2001 to 2002 (bunch 2002) for 9,451 families and 2011 to 2012 (bunch 2012) for 6,859 families, separately. The same examination strategies, polls and specialists were utilized in the two overviews.