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Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology

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Dynamic study of venous blood pressure in the lower extremities during walking and exercising using a stationary bicycle

Author(s): José Maria Pereira de Godoy, Domingo Marcolino Braile, Stela Marys Barufi, Maria de Fátima Guerreiro Godoy

The purpose of this study was to evaluate changes in venous pressure gradient in the lower limb, in the dynamic study, during activities of walking and bicycle ergometer. Was punctured the vein with the left medial hallux 0.9 mm x 25 mm angiocath and connected, via a DTX Plus sensor ™, to a portable apparatus which collected and stored venous pressures at half-second intervals in the form of numbers. After calibration of the apparatus was held the march, then exercises on a bicycle ergometer. Five evaluations were performed with an average of 290 measurements for evaluation. We compared the pressures of walking with the bicycle ergometer. Statistical analysis was performed using the unpaired t test for each assessment. Was detected in the five evaluations that the pressures of walking were significantly greater than the bicycle, unpaired t test p <0.05. The minimum and maximum limits were 8mmHg and 41 mmHg and 26 mmHg to more than 100mmHg for walking. We conclude that the march creates more work pressure in the venous system than the bicycle ergometer in the dynamic study.

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Citations : 184

Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology received 184 citations as per Google Scholar report
