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Author(s): Venkata Nagesh Ivaturi, Sashindran V Kumar, Anurag Sonkhle
Aim : To assess the role of malnutrition on the cytokine response to anti -
tubercular therapy (ATT) in HIV-TB
Objectives: a)To assess the effect of BMI on cytokine levels prior to starting
b) To assess the effect of BMI on cytokine levels after intensive phase of
c) To determine if nutritional status has a role in cytokine response to ATT
(i.e. change in levels)
Conclusion: In our study anti inflammatory cytokines IL- 10 and IL-4 at the
baseline as well as after two months of ATT therapy are slightly higher than
that of individuals with normal BMI. Interferon γ levels were reduced from
initial stage to 02 months of ATT therapy