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Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience

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European pediatric neurology society and committee of national advisors on paediatric neurology organization

Author(s): Maddy Jones*

A specialty known as Pediatric Neurology (PN) is dedicated to the diagnosis, thorough treatment, and research of disorders of the central and peripheral nervous systems from fetal life through adolescence. The European PN training programmed was created by the European pediatric neurology society and was made available in the European Pediatric Neurology Syllabus in 2002. This was crucial in getting the sub-specialty acknowledged by the European academies of pediatrics and neurology, and in 2003, the board of the European union of medical specialties recognized PN as a sub-specialty of pediatrics and neurology.

In order to further improve training and practice standards across Europe, the EPNS established the Committee of National Advisors (CNA) in 2004. The CNA is made up of representatives from national pediatric neurology associations. The EPNS Training Advisory Board (TAB) provides PN societies with country specific guidance and help when creating training and care systems. The EPNS Board and CNA approved the second revision of the pediatric neurology syllabus in 2019. In this article, we'll provide a general overview of the education received by Pediatric Neurology (PN) specialists, also known as pediatric neurologists, as well as the relevant professional organizations and the state of pediatric neurology practice in Europe as it is currently understood by the World Health Organization(WHO).

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