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Journal of Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment

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Factors affecting the Diagnostic accuracy of FIBRISCAN: Systematic Analysis of Published data

Author(s): Monya Mohieldien, Ayah, Farfour, Sahar Abdalla, Rawan H. Taha, Montasir Elmobarak, Omila Fath ALaleem, Ranim Chamseddin, Muhieldin Muhieldin, Muataz Mohieldin, Huda Hussien and Mohamed M. Shoukri*

Background: Fibroscan is the name of a medical device used to help determine the health of patient’s liver. The term FibroScan, which is often confused for “fiber scan,” “fibro scan” or even “fibro liver scan,” is also used to refer to the FibroScan liver test itself. If the physician is recommending a FibroScan of the liver, the likely reason is to assess the health of the liver and detect liver fibrosis, which can indicate the presence and extent of liver damage or liver disease. FibroScan uses advanced ultrasound technology called transient elastography to measure liver stiffness.

Aim: The aim of this review is to capture to the greatest detail possible the number of the citations of the assessed the diagnostic accuracy of Fibroscan

Methods: The citation databases Web of Science and Scopus were searched for citations of the 2006, 2008 and 2010 Clinical Practice Guidelines including all measures of diagnostic accuracy such as sensitivity, specificity, positive, and area under receiver operating characteristic curve. Apply statistical methods to evaluate agreements between these diagnostic tests.

Results: The diagnostic accuracy of Fibroscan and other tools depend on the stage of fibrosis.

Conclusion: The three methods used to diagnose patients with liver fibrosis were comparable. Such findings support the assumption that the guideline dissemination strategies were and are quite robust.

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Citations : 1

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