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Applied Food Science Journal

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Food Safety Awareness, Attitude and Practices of Food Handlers in Selected Level 3 Hospitals in Metro Manila, Philippines

Author(s): Abby Rose C. Flores

The role of food handlers is essential in the prevention of foodborne diseases. Compliance to food safety standards among food handlers have been noted to be influenced by one's level of awareness, attitude, and practices regarding food safety. The study utilized a cross-sectional analytical design, which aimed to determine the awareness, attitude, and practice levels of 50 food handlers on food safety among four Level 3 hospitals in the Philippines, and to investigate the relationship of awareness, attitude, and practices to sociodemographic characteristics and culture using a selfadministered questionnaire, the results of which were validated by direct observation of food safety practices. Results showed that food handlers had fair awareness (69.73±11.3%), positive attitude (87.8±7.6%), and good practices (84.3±7.8%) on food safety. 

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 13

Applied Food Science Journal received 13 citations as per Google Scholar report
