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Journal of Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry

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Framework for the cost-effectiveness of secondary prevention strategies in cardiovascular diseases: A Canadian theoretical modelbased analysis

Author(s): Fiorella Fanton-Aita, Alexis Matteau, Brian J. Potter, Jason R. Guertin, Dominic Mitchell, Ange Christelle Iliza, Anick Dubois, Marie-PierreDub�©, Jean-Claude Tardif and Jacques LeLorier

To estimate the relative risk reduction threshold for adding a novel expensive lipid-lowering therapy (NT) to standard therapy, in a secondary prevention population intolerant to high doses of statins, using a cost-effectiveness analysis from the Canadian Provincial Ministries of Health perspective (single-payer system).

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Citations : 73

Journal of Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry received 73 citations as per Google Scholar report
