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Pulsus Journal of Surgical Research

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Frequency and Pattern of Nasal Septal Deviation and Outcome of Surgery in Elective Rhinoplasty Patients

Author(s): Seyed Esmail Hassanpour


Nasal septal deviations(NSD) play a crucial role in  functional nasal breathing and unrecognized  deviations stand as the primary reason for failed rhinoplasty outcomes. Although nasal septal deviation  is quite common  in general population but its  frequency and dominant patterns varyin different studies, especially in patients presenting for aesthetic rhinoplasty. Current study addresses this issue and also evaluates clinical outcome of our septoplasty technique for each type of NSD which may have practical implications for diagnosis and management purposes


In a prospective study 101 consecutive patients presenting with aesthetic nasal deformity with or without problem in nasal breathing entered the study from June 2018 to December 2019 and operated at 15thKhordad Plastic Surgery Center ,Tehran, Iran. Patients were asked to  complete  The Rhinoplasty Health Inventory and  Nasal Outcomes (RHINO)Questionnaire before and after surgery which stands as a standard subjective point of reference for both aesthetic and functional rhinoplasty outcome.



Most patients underwent formal septorhinoplasty by open approach and were followed up ranging from 12 to 64 weeks after surgery. Significant nasal obstruction was diagnosed in  55 patients according to preoperative assessment and paranasal sinus CT san was performed in about two thirds of the patients. The overall frequency of NSD was 69 cases(68.3 %) with the  most  common  type being septal tilt (33.3%),followed byC or reverse C type in anteroposterior plane (31.8%)  with dominant external deviation to the right side of the patient. Septal spurs followed by craniocaudal plane deviations were observed less frequently. The difference between preoperative and postoperative RHINO scores ranged  from −5 to +66, with a mean difference of 29.5±16.1 which translates into a significant improvement in both aesthetic and functional outcome in the majority of patients.Also technical aspects of our septoplasty technique is reviewed briefly.



Stepwise approach to  diagnosis and surgical management of each type of nasal septal deviations is an important and integral part of any rhinoplasty procedure and has a significant impact on both the clinical outcome and patient satisfaction

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Citations : 45

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