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Current Research: Cardiology

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Global Meet on Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery

Author(s): Vadim Lyubomudrov

 Congestive Heart Failure, is one of the country's most genuine restorative issues that adds to around 250,000 deaths every year. About 2% of the whole population has Congestive Heart Failure, and it represents about $20 billion every year in social insurance costs of the healthcare expenses. In the United States alone, heart failure represents 6.5 million days of hospitalization every year. The average length of medical clinic remain for a Congestive Heart Failure related affirmation is around 14 days.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 177

Current Research: Cardiology received 177 citations as per Google Scholar report

Current Research: Cardiology peer review process verified at publons
Current Research: Cardiology