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Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

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Grand unified theory using permutation group s4 applied to Einstein’s equation

Author(s): Kay Zum Felde*

We give an informal, brief introduction to string theory. We introduce a new concept, where the whole system of all four forces, is described by one single group, the permutation group S4 and where gravity has eleven dimensions, d=4, i.e., space time and seven internal dimensions. Thus D=11 since the permutation group contains all forces that are known, we can call this a grand unified theory. The additional seven dimensions, six spatial and one dilaton are internal dimensions, that are compactified and are contributing to finally receive D=11 dimensions. Since there’re two super symmetric partners, the quarks and the particle strings from the weak interaction, we receive N=2.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 83

Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics received 83 citations as per Google Scholar report

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