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Journal of Heart Research

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Heart care

Author(s): Julie Rammal

Our hearts are one the most vital and important organs that can truly change our entire life and health if we connect, live, and coordinate appropriately with our heart.

At present the rise of heart disease, heart attacks, heart problems is overwhelming primarily because we are no longer connected to using our correctly and instead the majority of us are burdening our heart with things it does not understand. For example, we hold onto negative emotions, fear, lack of kindness, empathy, forgiveness, grudge, and anger. Our hearts do not understand and cooperate long with such emotions. As a result, the heart can become sick, ill, or face unbalanced energy in the heart system which later appears as a disease. In addition, our heart tends to have lost the natural field of expanding and seem to be contracting. A human heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human species. The heart generates its own electromagnetic field similar to the brain. Its’ electrical field is 60 x more powerful and greater than what the brain generates. Its power can be detected with a Electrocardiogram or ECG that shows that the heart’s field can be detected around 6-8 ft away from the body and be detected by those around us. We can raise the heart’s field when we speak and live the language of the heart which is kindness, compassion, love, and forgiveness.

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Citations : 1023

Journal of Heart Research received 1023 citations as per Google Scholar report
