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Current Research: Cardiology

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Heart Congress 2020 Report

Author(s): Emma Parker

After the successful completion "34th World Congress on Heart Diseases” which will be held amid July 27-28, 2020. We are grateful to call you to “ 35th World Congress on Heart Diseases”. The Heart congress is scheduled to happen on August 23-24, 2020 at the beautiful city of Madrid, Spain. This Heart Congress 2021 conference will give you an exemplary experience and enormous ideas in the research field. The perspective of the Heart conference is to establish Heart research works for people to understand how the treatment techniques get advanced and how the field get emerged in recent years. The sessions to be discussed in the conference includes Heart Disease & Failure, Cardiac and Cardiovascular Research, Diabetes, Obesity & Stroke, Paediatric Cardiology, Cardiovascular Disease , Women’s Cardiology, Nuclear Cardiology, Angiography & Intervention, Molecular Cardiology, Cardiologists, Vascular Biology, Hypertension, Cardiac Nursing, Heart Regeneration. 

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 177

Current Research: Cardiology received 177 citations as per Google Scholar report

Current Research: Cardiology peer review process verified at publons
Current Research: Cardiology