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Journal of Pathobiology and Physiology

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How To Set The Right Sales Strategy And Utilize All Promotional Channels, From Online To Direct Patient Communication.

Author(s): Ivan Rendulic

Medical tourism industry is becoming a strategic industry
for many countries around the world. Medical facilities
are opening their doors to attract more and more foreign
patients. In this situation it is becoming more and more
challenging to stand out from the crowd. Presentation
will focus on how to set the right sales strategy and utilize
all promotional channels, from online to direct patient
communication. We, as active participants in the medical
tourism industry, are graded by patient experience
which starts with the first contact that patients have with
us, from initial interest to post-procedural rehabilitation.
And there are many steps between these 2 milestones.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 280

Journal of Pathobiology and Physiology received 280 citations as per Google Scholar report
