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International Journal of HIV and AIDS Research

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Imaging Features of Central Nervous System in Patients with HIV/AIDS-Scenario in a Developing Country

Author(s): Yelda Vyas*

It is well documented that central nervous system (CNS) infections areassociated with Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections. Indeveloped countries, its incidence has decreased since the advent of Anti-retroviral therapy.1 In Indian patients, neurological manifestations andoutcomes are different due to various endemic infections prevailing becauseof poverty, malnutrition and illiteracy. Approximately 40-90% of patientssuffering from AIDS develop CNS complaints in their life.2-4Neuroimaging plays a vital role in treatment of AIDS.5 Patients develop avariety of lesions. They are divided into four categories: focal lesions withmass effect; diffuse global CNS abnormalities; focal lesions withoutsignificant mass effect; and ventriculitis, meningitis and infarcts.6 patientsmay have CNS lesions due to various pathological processes that occursimultaneously or sequentially.

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Citations : 4

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