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Journal of Materials Engineering and Applications

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In situ assembly of bacterial cellulose/graphene oxide spherical hydrogels for their application as nanocarriers

Author(s): Leire Urbina Moreno

Nowadays, biomedical research and technology is focused on the development of new materials with specific properties. One of the most important aspects in the development of new forms of medication is focused on the design and application of controlled drug dosing systems and localized management systems for the activity of a particular drug. The current trend in such applications is the use of natural polymers such as chitosan, alginate or cellulose. Bacterial cellulose (BC) is a biopolymer synthesized by some bacterial strains which displays unique properties i.e. high crystallinity and purity degree, excellent mechanical performance, porosity and high swelling capacity attributed to the 3D nanofibrillar network structure formed during the biosynthesis process. Due to this last feature, BC can be considered a hydrogel. Depending on the cultivation technique used, BC can be obtained in different morphologies with variable properties. In dynamic cultures spherical particles can be obtained. BC obtained in dynamic cultivation presents a more disordered structure, higher porosity and higher water holding capacity. Moreover, to enhance and extend its applications in biomedicine and pharmacology, BC is normally modified to tailor its properties. Hydrogels presented different swelling capacity, and semiconductive behavior, which could open new possibilities for the development of electro-stimulated systems. Additionally, in order to evaluate the possible application of these hydrogels as nanocarriers for controlled drug release, the loading and release in simulated intestinal fluid of ibuprofen has been carried out.

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Citations : 30

Journal of Materials Engineering and Applications received 30 citations as per Google Scholar report
