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Journal of Cancer & Metastasis Research

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Interleukin 6's role in experimental cancer cachexia

Author(s): Joe bedon*

A cachexia experimental paradigm that satisfies the requirements for an early effect with a small tumor mass unrelated to the tumor growth rate, and gradual withering of muscle and fat without a discernible decrease of appetite. C-26. A cell line called IVX, which was generated from murine colon-26 adenocarcinoma, produces genuine cachexia in syngeneic hosts while maintaining the original tumor's transplant ability. It is shown that interleukin (IL-6) has a cachectic role in the emergence of cancer cachexia in this experimental system. As a result, the escalating levels of IL-6 in C26, IVX-bearing mice are associated with cachexia. Mice grew larger and there was a significant decrease in blood IL-6 levels if the main tumors were removed. Additionally, monoclonal. In mice carrying tumors, an antibody to murine IL-6 was able to dramatically reduce the emergence of critical cachexia characteristics (but not an anti-tumor necrosis factor antibody).

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