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Pulsus Journal of Surgical Research

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Interprofessional teams' contribution to patient outcomes in emergency general surgery

Author(s): Lilian Sinte*

Hospitals increased residency programs and added advanced practice providers in response to duty hour limitations. We intended to ascertain whether the type of clinical support was related to the outcomes of emergency general surgery. We questioned acute care hospitals on their participation in emergency general surgery services as part of our study of those facilities. Data from participating hospitals were combined with patient data (17 State Inpatient) from patients older than years old admitted with an emergency general surgery diagnosis. Based on the types of providers aiding emergency general surgery surgeons, analyses examined emergency general surgery patient and hospital characteristics. (none, only advanced practice providers, only residents, or both). Using a multivariable analysis, it was assessed whether the number of residents or advanced practice doctors was related to the kind of management, mortality, or complications.

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Citations : 45

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