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Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience

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Intraspinal ventral extradural pseudocyst from C2- Th9 with compression of spinal cord: Case report and review of literature

Author(s): P Fistouris*, O Darvish, S Calero, S Georgiev and U Schick

Intraspinal extradural spinal cysts are rare lesions, which can induce symptoms due to spinal cord compression or even CSF low pressure syndrome. They are regarded to be result of a trauma, post-surgical, or even congenital. Depended on size and location of the cysts, patients could be asymptomatic for a long time until an enlargement of the cyst. To best of our knowledge, there is no previous report in literature with a 50 cm long intraspinal ventral extradural cyst causing spinal cord compression. Below we present our experience, we present our operative results, and provide a review of literature.

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Citations : 87

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