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Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology

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Ischemia of the upper extremity in a premature newborn baby after venous punture

Author(s): Jane Cristina Medeiros, Marciali Goncalves Fonseca Silva, Maria Carmen Monterio Carvalho

The case of a extremely premature newborn, with very low weight (705‐gramas), with a gestational age determined by Capurro of 29 weeks is related. After venous puncture in the axilar region, the patient presented signs of ischemia distal to the puncture. The presence of cianosis, cooling, muscular weakness and the absence of pulses distal to the puncture were detected. Doppler ultra‐sound failed to demonstrate the presence of flow distal to the puncture. A cephalic ultra‐sound was made demonstrating intracranial hemorrage. Expectative treatment was chosen and on the third day after puncture a return of blood flow was detected using doppler ultra-sound.
Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 184

Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology received 184 citations as per Google Scholar report
